Tuesday, July 07, 2009


This post won't be long as I seem to have a developed a rapid-onset case of tendinitis in my right hand/wrist/arm, with some pangs in my left hand.

Turning on a light switch, opening the toothpaste, digging in my purse for a pen.


My inner hypochondriac is on the loose. I've been typing for 15 years. And now?

Probably I need to rest. A thing I don't do enough. More down time (I've been saying this for like, what, 5 years?). Meditation probably wouldn't be a bad idea either.

So here I go to try and get some rest.


McPolack said...

Probably you should quit pickin' your nose.

Oh wait, that's me I was talking about.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that 150+ members in your blogging group on SHE WRITES is what happened...!

Hope you're pain-free soon!

Joyce said...

how was the accupuncture?
